Oyindamola Olofinlua

POEM: …and the chain was not

and the chain was not…

and the doom was not
the end of the beginning
the beginning of the end,
like a spell, it ravaged us
the shackling of freedom
the mind is encaged
we are plagued by
the hailstone of curses

and the chain was not
the furious flight of freedom is closely far

and the chains were not
freedom has fleeting feet
but captivity bolts faster
freedom is truth
chain is lie

the long-averted days that stabbed us are dead
once upon the days
the golden gates of castration have been emasculated
they built monuments of shame on our imprisonment
they made for their chi cathedrals of indignity
our chi languishes in the hadean pit

yet we shall dawn the melodic voice of the gangan
the shekere shall rejoice
the omele shall flirt with the sticks
our bata dance shall batter this chain

and the chain was chained
we were like they that dreamed
we herald the bitter sweet taste of FREEDOM

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